Sunday, November 11, 2012

Charleston Chess Club Christmas Party & Club Championship

The Charleston Chess Club is planning to have a get together on December 15, 2012. As always light refreshments will be provided and chess for fun on the agenda. The party will begin about 11 AM and continue until about 3:30 PM. Anyone is welcome to bring a dessert or other dish, but it is not required. As in past years, the party will be held at the WVSSPA Building at 1610 Washington Street East in Charleston, WV.

The club is also planning to revive the club championship. It will be rated, but there will be no entry fees or prizes except a trophy.

2012 Charleston Chess Club Championship

Date: November 24, 2012
Site: WVSSPA Building; 1610 Washington Street East; Charleston, WV 25311
Format: 4 SS; Game/60 with 5 second increments
Registration: 9 AM - 9:30 AM
Rounds: 9:45 AM – 12:30 PM – 3 PM – 5:30 PM Rounds may begin earlier with the consent of the participants
Entry: There is no entry fee, however, one must be a member of the Charleston Chess Club to play. Membership dues are $10 per year, which you may pay on site. Those people who joined in the summer of 2011 will be eligible to play in this tournament without further contribution. Their “year” of membership will expire on December 1, 2012. Those who have joined more recently will get the full year’s membership. USCF membership is required and will be available on site.
Prizes: A trophy will be awarded to 1st place.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Coupon Codes

Here are some coupon codes from that might come in handy:

2342     $5 off first order of $25+   (expires 11/30/12)
N2346     $10 off first order of $75+   (expires 11/30/12)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

West Virginia State Championship

The 2012 West Virginia State Chess Championship is a little over a week away. This year the championship is being held at Cedar Lakes near Ripley, WV. Registration is $50 on site.

As always, the tournament uses a six-round Swiss System format with a time control of 35 moves in 90 minutes followed by a 60-minute sudden death period. Rounds will be held over the Labor Day weekend, from September 1-3.

West Virginia players must be members of the West Virginia Chess Association to play. Residents of other states may use their own state association's membership, but will not be eligible for the title of champion.

For more information, please reference the WVCA tournament page here.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Parkersburg Homecoming Tournament Results

The 20th Annual Parkersburg Homecoming Chess Tournament was held on Sunday, August 19, 2012 at the Parkersburg Municipal Building at 2nd & Market Streets in Parkersburg, WV. Fourteen players competed in the Rated section, and five players competed in the Non-Rated section.

The position of Parkersurg Homecoming Champion went to Markle Butcher of Buckhannon, WV. The position of second place in the rated section was tied between Benjamin Good of Stonewood, WV and Joe Patterson of Chesterfield, VA. Jordan Whistler of Marietta, OH took home the U1600 class prize.

The first place award in the non-rated section went to Scott Pitner of Vienna, WV. The second place award in the non-rated section went to Alexander Reed of Turtle Creek, PA. Both players competed in the Homecoming tournament for the first time.

If you've never been to a chess tournament before, the annual Parkersburg Homecoming Tournament is an excellent opportunity to learn what it's all about. There are two sections. The first, the Non-Rated section, is open to the general public and is geared towards casual chess players who do not have an official rating. The second, the Rated section, is geared towards experienced tournament players. To enter the Rated section, you must be a member of the United States Chess Federation. Memberships are available onsite for those who wish to purchase them.

Congratulations to the prize winners, and thanks to everyone who turned out to make this a great tournament! We hope to see you all next year! For pictures from the events, check out the Mid-Ohio Valley Chess Club's photo gallery.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peter DuPoy Memorial

Chuck McCallister and the Ripley Chess Club proudly announce the first Peter DuPoy Memorial chess tournament. The tournament will be held on June 2, 2012 at Cedar Lakes Conference Center in Ripley, WV.

For more information, check out the Ripley Chess Club's website at!