Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Beating 1 e4 e5" Free Update

Everyman Chess has released a free update to their book "Beating 1 e4 e5". The update includes five games featuring modern responses to the Italian Game and the Bishop's Opening. All of these games are annotated by John Emms. You can view the games and annotation here. The webpage includes a link to download the games in PGN format as well. Enjoy!

Club Meeting Cancelled

Due to inclement weather, the library is closing early, so our regular club meeting will be cancelled tonight.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meeting Tomorrow

This is just a reminder that our next club meeting will be tomorrow, January 26th at the Vienna Public Library from 6-9 PM. I hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Endgame Puzzle

Today's puzzle comes from the folks at It's White to move and win. How should White proceed? You can play out the endgame using this simulator.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

MOVCC Now on Facebook

The Mid-Ohio Valley Chess Club is now on Facebook! I've created a new Facebook page for the club, replacing the old group that had not been used in some time. Posts from our blog will appear on this page, offering an alternative way to receive information about the club, as well as (hopefully) increasing our exposure.

Please become a fan us today!

34th Cardinal Open

A number of our club members are planning to make the trip to Columbus this month to play in the 34th Cardinal Open. If you are interested in tagging along, please send me an e-mail or talk to one of the members at our next club meeting.